Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Be Competitive!

Practice plus right process makes perfect.
Speaking in English or Filipino is a thing that cannot be obtained in just one sitting. Usually, it takes a lot of practice and a long time for a person who is not used to these languages to master it. Because, the usage of words can be different. It can be used in a literal way which the words used means the ordinary. And it can also be used in idiomatic expressions where the literal meaning of the words used is different from the stated expressions.
Speaking in English or Filipino fluently is a great skill to be proud of, since not everyone can speak to either of this languages fluently. But the kindness in speaking these languages has a greater honor.
So, let us practice speaking in English or Filipino with total kindness. Speak with great respect to the one you are talking with. Speak with a big concern to the feelings of others. And speak what is in your mind the best way you can, avoiding hurting other's feelings. Cause speaking with kindness will make us stand-out among the rest.
Let us speak with kindness and let us be competitive!


  1. ,,competitive????jajaja,,,well it's nice!!!!yeah!

  2. hai!! fren!
    tnx 4 d comment....

    keep up d good work
